Fiberglass Pools Dubai

Capable of Delivering Multiple or a High Number of Pools

Myths About Fiberglass Pools

Partnering in Potential, Investing in Innovation.

Myths About Fiberglass Pools

There are so many myths about fiberglass pool, a material that is used in manufacturing of Aeroplanes, jets, boats and many other items which are of paramount importance.

Truth: While they may have a higher upfront cost than some other types of pools, they require less maintenance and have a longer lifespan, which can make them a cost-effective option in the long run. You end up doing maintenance on concrete pool like retiling, acid wash, plaster etc and spend more money than in case of fiberglass pools. In the long run fiberglass pools are much cheaper.

Many people think fiberglass is cheaper than concrete, which is not correct, a well engineered fiberglass pool can be upto 20% more than a well constructed concrete pool.

Truth: Fiberglass is actually a very strong material and is unlikely to crack unless there is a major flaw in the construction or an extreme environmental event. In fact there’s a big chance that a concrete pool can and will crack with too much force since it is not flexible like fiberglass

Truth: While fiberglass pools do come in pre-formed shapes, you can customize them with features like waterfalls, lighting, and tile accents.

Truth: In fact, fiberglass pools have a smooth, non-abrasive surface that's easy on the skin and swimwear.

Truth: When properly cared for, a fiberglass pool can last for decades, even longer than other types of pools. This is very wrong, fiberglass pools can last lifetime if properly cared, unlike concrete which requires continuos maintenance.

Truth: Fiber glass is the most durable and has most strength and that’s the reason the boats, planes etc are made of fiberglass. Fiberglass pools will never leak from the structure unless there is strong damage done intentionally.

FiberGlass Pool Installation

Elevate your lifestyle with Fiberglass Pools Dubai. Our expert pool installation services transform your space into a haven of luxury. Dive into the dream with Fiberglass Pools Dubai today.